3D Kiosk Branding
Fall 2023

Frui was created to give students a better, healthier, and faster alternative for food.Fruit are pretty healthy snacks to have during the day, but it isn’t the easiest thing to get when you have to go around campus going from class to class. Frui allows for anyone to grab, either, a drink or fruit slices conveniently and quickly.

Alternative places to get either of these can get pretty expensive and unhealthy. One example of this is Jamba Juice, who, charges almost $10 for a single drink. Frui, on the other hand, would offer its drinks in 3 different sizes with all of them being $2.

To achieve a healthier drink, we incorporate the fruit fibers from the fruits into the drinks. We add, additional, chia seeds to give the drinks even more fiber.

Frui, also, strives to be more eco friendly with the cups and bowls being made out of paper to be easy recycled or composted.

Almost 90% of fiber is taken out of juice during the juicing process.

Chia seeds contain 10 g of fiber for every ounce of seeds present.

38% of college students going to two-year schools and 29% going to four-year schools suffer from food insecurity.

(In January of 2022)

The average college student spends around $670 on just food a month.

This insecurity could lead to drastic consequences in the students academics with things like a falling GPA. Students, in general, will attend less classes and some won’t complete their education. It, also, leads to more stress and depression which just leads to a cycle. Not having much money, students are left with no choice but to get the cheapest options, which usually isn’t very healthy and contain added sugars, refined grans and added fats.

To combat this ever-growing situation, Frui gives students a healthier and cheaper option to get some food, or drinks. It costs $2 to get any size drink or bowl of fruit, and if someone does that for a whole month just for lunch, it adds up to around $60. This is about how much it costs to get a decent meal thrice a month usually.


The Mascot of Frui

Frui was created to resemble a fruit, but also look like the seed of a fruit. His purpose is to give the brand a more friendly atmosphere to attract more people to come and get themselves a drink or a snack. His colors scheme was made to look more fantastical as if he came straight out of a fantasy world.


Strawberry & Banana
Watermelon & Kiwi
Mango & Peach

Color Palette


The Frui brand name was is custom type that was hand-drawn to give off a more round and bubbly look similar to the mascot, Chonky.

Visby Round was used to continue this round aesthetic that has been going on, but with a more straight forward and more geometric look. It is much easier to read and so it’s used for everything that needs to be read.

Kiosk Interface

Application Dimensions


There are a total of five materials being used for the Frui stands. Wood is used to create all the objects including the tree, chairs, and tables. Metal is present as hinges for the tree and screens. Glass is used on the screens themselves. There is paint on all items. Finally, all the cups/bowls and utensils will be made out of paper.

Applications Of the Brand

Process Book